About Us

2 Timothy 2:2
Each one reach one, 
each one teach one

We are a church that stands on God's Word as authoritative for life and purpose. You'll find we are a warm and welcoming community, as we seek to honor God and love our neighbor as He first loved us (1 John 4:19).

We believe in expository preaching and teaching at First Free. We believe this to be distinct from much of American evangelicalism today. We want to win and disciple the lost, which only comes through the power of His Word (Romans 10:17).  

The purpose of First Evangelical Free Church is to glorify God. The church glorifies God specifically through making disciples, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people of Racine and around the world, and by worshiping Him as individuals and as a church.

We envision First Evangelical Free as a church that is a loving, caring community that helps people find and follow Jesus.  

We would love to see you Sunday morning or at one of the many weekly small groups. 

Click the note to see our worship playlist

  • Obeying God's Word
  • Sharing His salvation
  • Multiplying His followers.

Pastors and Elders:

  • Lead Preaching Pastor Franco Brits  -Doctor of Ministry, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Master of Divinity, The Master's Seminary
  • Discipleship Pastor John Bodnar  -Ordained EFCA, 30+ years as lead preaching pastor, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
  • Elder Tom Pulda -Decades of experience as an overseer
  • Elder TJ Bodnar  -MA. Theological Studies, Liberty University School of Divinity
Our Constitution
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