We are a church that stands on God's Word as authoritative for life and purpose. You'll find we are a warm and welcoming community, as we seek to honor God and love our neighbor as He first loved us (1 John 4:19).
One of our primary distinctives is expository preaching and teaching. The text is authoritative and drives what is taught. We also hold to: biblical counseling, the doctrines of grace, and dispensational interpretation. We want to make disciples by purposing to live for Christ's glory and following His example, in seeing others as more important than ourselves, and humbly serving one another (Matthew 28:18-20; Philippians 2:1-11)
The purpose of First Evangelical Free Church is to glorify God. The church glorifies God specifically through making disciples, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people of Racine and around the world, and by worshiping Him as individuals and as a church.
We envision First Evangelical Free as a church that is a loving, caring community that helps people find and follow Jesus.
We would love to see you Sunday morning or at one of the many weekly small groups.